Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Day 3

We got our daughter's photo taken for her visa and passport to be ready when we return for the pickup trip.  After that we went to the park for a bit, she had a favorite slide she wanted to show us.  On the merry go round we began to work with asking nicely. (She's a little bossy ; ) )

We came back to the apartment so our attendant could go over some paperwork that would be notarized later on in the afternoon. We spent some time with her playing games, making necklaces and letting her braid Jen's hair.

We left the apartment around 1:30 to grab a bite before heading to the notary and picking up the pictures taken that morning.

Everything had gone really well.  After picking up the photos, she had asked to go back to the apartment. The photo above was taken minutes before we arrived at the apartment.  She had even asked for the ride on Aaron's shoulders.  We are not sure what the trigger was, but as soon as we walked thru the door, the meltdown.

It was a rough time, she said a lot. We're pretty sure the attendant left a few choice words out of the translation. The good news: She said it all, and we let her. We let it be ok for her to say it, and assured her that our love for her was unshakeable even though she said it.

The end of the day she rebounded, and everything was back to normal.  No, this is not the end of her struggles or ours, but it was a small breakthrough.

For those of you praying for the three of us during this time, thank you.  You have no idea how affective your prayers have been, both for our patience and her healing.

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